Cybersecurity is hard – there, we said it. Ensuring your business stays secure is a full-time job. One needs to stay updated on the latest vulnerabilities and patches, review logs, investigate suspicious activity, and more. We understand that is too much to ask of business owners and we have created a service to take all those worries off your plate.
24/7 Security Operations Center

Our 24/7 SOC constantly monitors your systems and investigates any potential threats. If a threat is identified, the SOC can isolate that machine from the network and prevent it from causing further harm.
Workstation and Server

The default configuration of most devices does not hold up to current security standards. Ensuring all unused services and ports are turned off across all devices is paramount to reducing your attack surface and in turn the risk to your business.

To be able to secure a network you have to know where it’s weak spots are. This assessment will generate a report telling you what systems are unpatched or open to attack. Armed with this information, Netpoint can work with you to address the issues or put mitigations in place.
Cyber Security
Awareness Training

Eighty-eight percent of all data breaches are caused by employees’ mistakes (Stanford & Tessian). That is why it is critical for everyone in your organization to become educated on common cyber threats. Our online cyber security awareness training educates users so they can make informed decisions online: protecting your business.

Identifying phishing e-mails can be tricky. Netpoint makes it much easier with our Phishing Detection tool. It will place a banner on top of any e-mail that looks abnormal and tell you in plain English what is “Phishy” about it. If you receive an e-mail you think is phishing, you can report it and instantly have it removed from all users inboxes until Netpoint is able to review the e-mail and confirm whether or not it is phishing.

There is an alphabet soup of compliance standards (CMMC, Cyber Security Insurance, GDPR, HIPAA, NIST CFS). Picking the right one for your business can seem overwhelming. Netpoint has the tools and expertise to help you become compliant and prove compliance with reports and documentation. Let Netpoint’s solution architects help guide you through your unique compliance journey.

Netpoint Consulting makes it easy to keep your business and its data safe and secure. Contact us today for a free, no obligation discussion about your Cyber Security Needs